Senin, 17 Mei 2010


Woody Allen, as seen above at Cannes this weekend, says that Roman Polanski has paid a high price for his actions in a 1977 child sex case and that "enough is enough."

Allen, whose affair with his pseudo-stepdaughter, Soon Yi Previn, was revealed in 1992 when his girlfriend, Mia Farrow, found nude pictures of her in Woody's apartment. Soon Yi was 22. Woody was 56.

Farrow adopted Soon Yi from South Korea when Yi was 8.
Woody and Soon Yi married in 1997. They have two adopted daughters.

Woody had one biological son with Farrow,
Satchel Ronan O'Sullivan Farrow, now known as Ronan Farrow, a child prodigy who graduated Bard College at age 16. He has been estranged from Allen since his parents' separation.

Ronan is serving as Special Advisor to the Obama administration on humanitarian and NGO affairs, focusing on Afghanistan and Pakistan.

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